Monday, March 12, 2007

So Many Games, So Little Time

I (Andrew) apologize for the lack of updates. We've had a crazy couple of weeks at the club. On any given night everyone at the office is watching games, playing in games or working on our awesome special events.

Last Thursday I (Andrew) was at Forest Lawn and checked out three awesome games. The first match up featured Robots in Disguise vs Level 7 Wizards. The Robots are a really fun team made up of mainly family members. This game went back and forth. There were some pretty nice goals scored. There is a player on Level 7 Wizards who is a suave looking guy. His players often make fun of the fact that he looks too smooth while playing soccer.

The second game featured Warm Milk vs Kicking and Screaming. Warm Milk was down 4 or 5 players. They played short handed the whole game but totally hung in there. During the game players from Warm Milk accidentally knocked in two goals into their own net. They lost by a score of 5-4 and were laughing at how they lost because they scored on themselves. Everyone was having a great time at this game. Great hustle!

The last game featured the ToeJammes vs FIGJAM. Both teams had a great time. FIGJAM has an awesome coach who doesn't play. Instead she baby sits the players kids and keeps the players calm during the game. Now that's an awesome coach.

On Saturday the CSSC Team partied and Curled at our annual curling tournament. Stacey will have an update with a full re-cap in tomorrows blog.

Sunday is known as Hockey Day In Calgary for CSSC members. Some players play up to 3 games per Sunday. I was checking some games at the HCA and the first game was a dozy. We had The Unit vs Monks on the Mount. These teams were ranks 1st and 2nd. Also, these teams were previous league champions.

Both teams came out hard on Sunday. The game was intense but clean. There were a couple of dicey plays but everyone was really sportsmanlike. Monks on the Mount had a strong offence while The Unit put forth a strong defence. When the dust cleared the Monks on the Mount took it down but the Unit stayed in the whole game. This is a possible playoff game so I will keep my eyes peeled for their next match up.

The next game featured Shake and Bake vs Gerbil Sox. Gerbil Sox has this female player who is like a hawk on defence. She is always on the ball and won't give anyone an easy shot. Gerbil Sox took an early lead but Shake and Bake took the game down.

During this game I thought a player on Shake and Bake was named "Theo". I started calling her that and her teammates told me her name was "TL". We all thought Theo was a better name so she has been nicknamed in Theo Huxtable. Hopefully this team plays as the Huxtables for next season. I would love to see the game featuring the Huxtables vs the Winslows.

Finally we had RJ's Hedgehogs vs Bibiosteakasaurus. This was a really fun game overall. One player on Steak had to wear a hot pink shirt because it was the only dark shirt anyone had. He was a great sport about it.

Watch out for tomorrows Curling Tournament Update!


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